Monday, May 20, 2013

Whatsthat Shirt Fashion

Whatsthat Shirt Fashion
Tisci spoken his two inspirations this season were the 1927 Fritz Lang movie Metropolis and the theme music from a more obscure Russian film, 1924's Aelita: coed of Mars (add that apart to your Netflix queue, pronto). You could see their touch most clearly in the Art Deco embellishments on the dresses reputation the crystal space. The designer also definite surface the parallels between Lang's high-city/low-city film again his allow bejeweled gowns worn since workmen's tank optimum. In fact, the tanks weren't as proletarian as all that, coming as they did in a cashmere blend. Jean Paul Gaultier's cultural antennae have often been acute, in consequence early arrivals at his Couture spring today, directed to seating blocks named "Dal" or "Chapati," could logically have assumed an Indian connection for the crowd. And maybe they hoped that it might relate connections some way to Life of Pi, the conspicuously gorgeous, humanist, vintage-Gaultier-like movie to mention itself over Oscar consideration in living memory. No same luck. What we got, instead, was fresh material to sterling Housewives of Mumbai, though Gaultier okay scored the award for Couture's Aw-Shucks standing when his bride hiked up her skirts to reveal four adorable mites who cascaded down the catwalk to the unmitigated delight of broody fashion folk of all genders. You could original be enchanted by the crowd-pleasing gall of compatible a gesture. But the other material of the couture show was man-made—a shrugged-off casualness, jackets on shoulders, hair tousled (maybe too emphatically forasmuch as). The adventurous idiosyncrasy made since a strong show. And if Jessica Chastain believes in lucky charms, we know what she'll substitute wearing loom Oscar night.armani ar1414,ar0186

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